Amsterdam Sluisbuurt (NL)
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Données synthétiques
Échelle de projet L - urbain & architectural
Localisation Sluisbuurt, Amsterdam
Population Amsterdam 835.000 hab.
Site stratégique 48,3 ha – Site de projet 2,29 ha
Site proposé par City of Amsterdam
Acteurs impliqués Gemeente Amsterdam
Propriétaire du site Gemeente Amsterdam
Phase post concours Assignment to refine urban design guidelines
Représentant d'équipe architecte, urbaniste
Information complémentaire
How can the site contribute to the productive city?
On this location, the task is to generate a vision of productivity for a new multi-functional district that is more than just a label. The challenge is to give spatial expression to contemporary patterns of productivity, living and working in our modern cities. Vertical mixed-use that can be applied at the scale of a block, the scale of a street and the scale of a neighbouhood. The city considers that productivity in Sluisbuurt could be diverse and ‘unexpected’. The competition seeks design proposals that can accommodate flexibility, future trends and possible changes in use.
City strategy
Over the last 20 years, intense housing production has taken place in Amsterdam-Oost as old districts and former dockland areas were upgraded and regenerated. The site for the competition is located on Zeeburgereiland and in the future it will link the centuries- old Indische Buurt with the new residential districts in IJburg and Amsterdam’s eastern docklands. Today, Amsterdam is under pressure to expand because it is recognised as an attractive international city. It is trying to find its own way to navigate these market forces. Sluisbuurt has been conceived as a compact city extension and while tall buildings characterize the vision, at street level the neighbourhood should feel typically Amsterdam.
Site definition
Surrounded by water on two sides, Sluisbuurt is today a tabula rasa. The city’s intention was to build on this location much earlier but those plans were delayed by the economic crisis. This year the city has completed a concept urban plan, which will be basis for the future development. In recent times, Zeeburgereiland’s connectivity has been improved. Access to IJburg by car, bicycle and public transport is now possible. Zeeburgereiland is directly connected to Amsterdam’s main ring road; two busy roads with bike paths intersect the middle of the island; on the southern edge of the site a tram station is the main public transport link between the city center and IJburg.
How is Production Considered in the Urban Diversity Program?
The city’s vision for the area proposes 500,000sqm of residential accommodation and up to 100,000m2 of amenities, leisure areas and work-related spaces. The study area corresponds to phase one of the project. At this scale, the task is to consider how urban, architectural, spatial, functional and landscape qualities can be established in the early years of the project. How to create the first attractive steps in a future-proofed mixed-use residential area? On the project site, a vision is expected for a contemporary combination of living and working at the scale of the block, street and neighbourhood to create a mixed-use residential area.
Design ideas should not only be limited to the public space and special features in the plinths of buildings. The municipality is looking specifically for forms of mixed-use throughout the building.
How can living and working be combined in vertical urban form? Based on a design for two building plots within the project site, participants are requested to prepare urban design guidelines for buildings, public space and the transition between the two. These guidelines should help achieve the general goal to create a dynamic, viable and inclusive Amsterdam neighbourhood. These guidelines could inform reflections on the study area.
Questions à propos du site
The brief, p.26, states that the corners of the blocks must always be built up. Does this apply to 6b and 6c individually or combined? The illustrations on p.19 and p.24 suggests the latter, as the southeastern corner of plot 6b is used for public space/a park
It applies to blocks combined
The brief, p.26, gives the maximum gross surface areas for block 6b (46,000m2) and 6c (33,000m2). Even though they are described as maximum areas, what is the range if we choose to deviate (under or over).
The same page states a maximum 320 residences for plot 6c. Is there a similar figure available for plot 6b?
Program may be changes if that suits the concept; deviation of 10% can be seen as margins and therfore are allowed
Given both these blocks are part of phase 1, can we redistribute 46,000 + 33,000 over two block as long as the total sum of 79,000 stays the same?
Yes, it is possible
The brief, p.26, states a maximum 46,000 m2 gross surface area for plot 6b, of which 10,000 m2 is reserved for hotels and student housing. Does this mean the remaining 36,000 m2 is reserved for housing, or can commercial program be included at our own discretion?
Commercial program may be included
Regarding the towers, it is understood they form an important part of the brief. Exact location, height and footprint is therefore considered by us as flexible, is this correct?
the general position of towers is not flexible, en neither is the maximum height; the footprint, the height ( if not higher than in the plan) and form of towers are open to suggestions;
What is the housing type + tenancy mix that best suits the financial model + masterplan?
Best use 30% of social housing (rent < € 709), 35% of mid-range rental (rent between €710-€970) and ownership housing (<€250.000) and 35% of marketsector housing (> € 250.000). Any mix of dfferent types of appartments and townhouses is possible.
The urban masterplan provides several design guidelines for the buildings and public space. To what degree should these guidelines be followed for the Europan site?
In het Stedenbouwkundig Plan Sluisbuurt staan diverse ontwerprichtlijnen voor de gebouwenveloppen en publieke ruimte, inclusief doorsnedes en plattegronden, zoals bijv. p. 58, 60, enz. In hoeverre moet dit document en de ontwerprichtlijnen in overweging worden genomen in het licht van de Europan wedstrijd voor Sluisbuurt?
the street width is fixed, but size and shape of public spaces and parks is flexible as long as they provide similar or better quality spaces to the neighbourhood.
Breedtes van straten in het SP zijn vast, maar grootte en vorm van groene ruimtes / plantsoenen is flexibel en kan veranderd worden mits dezelfde kwaliteit op buurtniveau.
On page 25 of the site brief is is mentioned that the task “is specifically not about the design and its realisation”, while, according to the project site “an architectural vision is expected” of wich “urban guidelines” for the area will be developed. can this be clarified?
In de eerste paragraaf op pagina 25 in de opgave wordt gezegd dat de opgave “is specifically not about the design and its realisation”, maar vervolgens in het onderdeel voor de Project Site “an architectural vision is expected” en vervolgens zullen van hieruit “urban guidelines” voor de Study Site worden ontwikkeld. Wat wordt hier precies bedoeld?
The task for particapants is "not about design and realisation". instead we require particpants to rethink this part of the masterplan on a architectural level, in order to refine the "urban guidelines".
De stedenbouwkundige opgave is "not about design and realisation", maar van deelnemers wordt verwacht dat zij op architectonisch niveau meedenken over mogelijke onwikkelingen en stedenbouwkundige regel / "urban guidelines".
Are there any requirements regarding the information shown on the panels, like floorplans and sections to scale?
Zijn er enige vereisten met betrekking tot de inhoud voor de wedstrijdpanelen, zoals bijvoorbeeld plattegronden of doorsnedes op schaal?
Floorplans and sections are diserable, but can be replaced by other find of presentations like axonometrics if they provide a similar or better insight into your proposal.
Ja, plattegronden en doorsnedes op schaal zijn wenselijk, maar kunnen ook vervangen worden door een andere soort presentatie die dezelfde inzichten geeft (bv axonometrie)
Is there any translation for the urban planning document "NL-Amsterdam-C-T1"? The one provided is entirely in Dutch.
Only a Dutch version is available.
Le site est lié au thème suivant
De ville à ville productive Comment créer des quartiers urbains vivants qui soient productifs avec des artisans, des fabricants et une production locale ? Les villes voudraient toutes devenir mixtes. Mais les approches standardisées pour créer des « vibrantes communautés » rassemblent un imaginaire mélangeant habitat, bureaux, cafés et restaurants. Mais est-ce suffisant ?
Comment créer des quartiers urbains vivants qui soient productifs avec des artisans, des fabricants et une production locale ?
Ne faut-il pas aussi insuffler de la vie dans un quartier existant à travers des activités productives ? Cette option pourrait-elle être viable aussi dans le cas de cités dortoirs ? Que signifie la production pour des industries basées sur la création et le savoir ? Quel équilibre économique serait nécessaire pour maintenir les activités économiques alors que la zone s’améliore et que les prix de l’immobilier grimpent ?
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