Aalst (BE)
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Aalst (BE)
Scale Urban and architectural
Team representative architect, urban designer
Location Aalst, Flemish Region, Belgium
Population 87,000 inhabitants
Strategic site 70 ha - Project site 7.5 ha
Site proposed by city of Aalst
Actors involved Stad Aalst and her Development Company, NV Matim, Tragel Sport…
Owner(s) of the site City of Aalst and 2 private organizations
Commission after competition Consultant to the city administration, assisting the draft of the future zoning plan
Information complémentaire
Urban City Strategy
Aalst is one of the fasted growing cities in Belgium. The number of inhabitants has increased by 12% since 2005 to 86,000 and is forecasted to grow up to 90,000 future residents 2035. However, Aalst plays a less pronounced role as a regional employer, compared to other central cities in Belgium and Flanders. The number of employed residents is relatively high, however, the overall number of jobs on the territory is the lowest of all central cities, with a job ratio of merely 76%. Aalst is the only central city in Flanders with a larger outbound commute than incoming commuters. We assume that this also causes a brain drain.
Today, space for economy, and more specifically, entrepreneurship is scarce in Aalst. Existing residing companies will be given, every opportunity to facilitate their future expansions. However, the limited surfaces of business parks don’t offer many opportunities for attracting new companies. How can the interweave future additional economical activities with other urban programs in other parts of the city?
Site Definition
The Dender river runs in the middel of the city and collects along its quays a fascinating industrial history and heritage. These quays stretch for of 2.7 km and offer many opportunities for more interwoven economical activities.
Thanks to its large scale, several underused plots, valuable industrial heritage and its strategic location between the Dender, the station and the city center, this district in transition suits perfectly to create a vital urban mix of living, shopping, working, ecology, as well as public functions.
Currently, the city of Aalst participates in a large-scale study, launched by the Flemish Government, called “From Vacancy to Interwoven Locations”. In this research, the spatial integration of economical and industrial activities along the Dender quays in the city of Aalst is key and can inspire for sure the participants of this Europan call.
How Must Metabolism and Inclusivity Be Developed and Connected?
The northern part of this strategic zone along the Dender river is selected as the Europan site and is representative of the overal transformation of the former industrial quays in Aalst, but also many other European industrial waterfronts.
From a first exploration on the quays, a great potential for this site specifically was detected to develop a cluster of urban distribution, manufacturing, recycling and creative economics. Given the special potential to interweave economic activities in this project zone, it is essential to give the manufacturing and creative economy a place here, together with the many other urgent space needs: nature, recreation and relaxation, living, public services, education...
During this legislature, a zoning plan will be drawn up for this site, in order to facilitate the conversion of the industrial zone into a more urban program. However, to do so, there is an urgent need for a spatial framework and creative architectural concepts that can guarantee the harmony of this high-quality urban mix. The winner of the competition will support the city in drafting up this plan and therefore will have a long-term and big impact in transforming a large and central part of the city. Can you imagin here a logistics hub, a circular hot spot, a dispatch center for parcel delivery services, social economy companies such as a recycling center or a bicycle courier? How can people also live here? How could the landmarked buildings be repurposed? How can the banks of the Dender be both a place to stay and a valuable ecological link, but also leave room for the necessary distribution and local flows?

Questions à propos du site
Hello, can you please provide a high level autocad drawing of the site and city. The provided material is very poor in resolution and not helpful to produce the asked submission materials. Thank you.
Dear participant,
Thank you for pointing this out to us.
Here you can download a DXF of the entire city:
Hopefully this is what you were looking for?
If not, don't hesitate to let us know.
Sincerely yours,
The team Europan.be
Hello, Will the teams discussion (virtual visit of the site) be uploaded as a resource? Thank you !
The presentation on the kickof day has been uploaded on the Europan Europe website in the 0_Docs_After_Launch_Folder.
You can also see two visit videos of the site:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aPmRgANQcHg
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr7kw-QtJG8
Would it be possible to upload the video of the recorded session of the Online Site Visit event?
The presentation has been uploaded on the Europan.Europe website in the 0_Docs_After_Launch folder.
Two videos of site visit can be seen on:
Would it be possible to have the Heritage Charts at the end of the Site Brief PDF translated into English?
We've asked for translation and will upload it as soon as possible on the Europan.Europe website in the 0.Docs_After_Launch folder
Le site est lié au thème suivant
Care Care consiste à reconnaître la vulnérabilité de notre milieu de vie. Il s'agit de trouver de nouvelles méthodes de conception pour prêter attention aux zones marginalisées, blessées ou ignorées et aider à les réparer.
Réinventer la ruralité et le patrimoine productif
Sur ces sites patrimoniaux, liés à des formes de production antérieures ou liés à la ruralité, comment prendre soin de ces espaces à faibles moyens d'économie en revalorisant l'existant ?
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