Lochau (AT)

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Données synthétiques


Scales L/S

Team representative Architect, urbanist and landscape architect
Location Lochau,Voralberg
Population 7 000 inhabitants

Reflection site 127 ha - Project site 6,9 ha

Site proposed by Municipality of Lochau
Actors involved Municipality of Lochau, City of Bregenz, Federal Province of Vorarlberg, Federal Agency for Water Management
Owner(s) of the site City of Bregenz, Federal Agency for Water Management

Commission after competition There is a definite intention to realise a redesign of the project site and involve the nominated team(s) in further processes.

Information complémentaire

Inhabited milieu's challenges

In tune with the lake and the mountains, the small village of Lochau is nestled between the basic elements of nature: water and rock. Nature is deeply rooted in the lives of its inhabitants, providing opportunities and recreation from which everyone can benefit. Nature, such as the topography of mountainous areas, can also be a limiting factor. In the case of Lochau, it determines the mobility corridor that runs along the coast. It is a significant barrier that separates the villagers from their beloved shore. How can the spirit of the lake be experienced more directly in the village? And how can the mobility corridor be softened to become an integral part of the urban fabric? The residents of Lochau are very proud to live in such a beautiful place, but they are also aware of the economic pressures on the area. The excellent infrastructure links Lochau with the picturesque towns of Lindau and Bregenz, both just five minutes away. This additionally contributes to making Lochau a desirable place to be. Its popularity generates a lot of traffic and attracts many people. Its uniqueness is further enhanced by the fact that the entire Austrian shore of Lake Constance (28km) is open to the public and free of charge. Lochau has a marina, a Natura 2000 nature reserve and beautiful recreational areas on the water, making it a great place where many interests meet. How to balance and negotiate between economic pressure, intensified use, fragile ecosystems and vulnerable groups living in the area?

Questions to the competitors

The people of Lochau describe their waterfront as the most valuable, beautiful and important place in Lochau. A place that everyone identifies with, a place that is immensely precious to everyone. Lochau has a marina with two basins. In between, on a small piece of land, there is a harbour building and an old ferry. Many villagers have fond memories of celebrations and parties on its decks dating back to the late 1970s, when the ferry was installed on Lochau land. By then, it was no longer fit for purpose as a boat, but it served well as a small local eatery and kiosk, selling snacks and ice-cream to bathers on the beach. Now corrosion and general deterioration are very advanced and renovation is too expensive. The aim of this Europan competition is to propose a new object and and the way how it interacts with its surrounding landscape. The overall task will be to create a place of inclusion, without barriers, where everyone is invited and can participate. Take inspiration from what already exists and mix in fresh ideas to create a vision of inclusiveness that, in its sum, will foster a new identity. The manageable size of the site and the very concrete task is an immense opportunity. It allows you to demonstrate at all levels - from overall concept to construction - what it means to be a planner who cares about our future. Questions may arise: How to preserve the existing values of the site while expanding its uses? How to strengthen the performative power of the place? How to design a space that shelters inclusiveness? On a strategic level, the rhythm of the coastline and the connection to the village of Lochau should be studied.

Questions à propos du site

After opening the dxf with Autocad, an apparently empty file opens, containing only a textual element with the following sentence: "Xref Xref Archicad Sichten/AT-LOC-PS-M1.1_0Geschoss (1).dwg". Given the described problem, I kindly ask if it would be possible to send me new dwg/dxf or suggestions on how to open the ones I already have.

We have uploaded new files. Please let us know, if you still enocunter this problem.

Are there plans of the boat ?

Please find scans of the original plans uploaded.

Hello I would like to ask if there is a more detailed survey plan of the harbour area (3dModel, Pointcloud, mesh,...)?

Unfortunately there is only the material we have provided for you.

This might be a useful link  http://vogis.cnv.at/atlas/init.aspx?karte=planung_und_kataster The website is in German only, but you might be able to find your way around using a translation App. However, all plans needed are provided for in the complete site files to download.

If you build on the roof of the Habour building does it count as build area or not ? because the roof is already there.

In case you decide to build on the roof the existing harbor building, the footprint of the harbour building counts as “built area”.

what is broken on the ferry ? is it the outer shell or the steel structure ?

Please see the assessment report of the old ferry dated 20 November 2022. The file is uploaded and named AT-LOCHAU-PS-M8_assessment Ferry_DE.pdf. The document is only available in German. Please translate it with a translation program.


Would it be possible to get more information about the ground condition? Are there any documents related to the soil composition of the site and the respective wider area?

A section through the soil in the Lochau harbor area is sketched out and uploaded. The document is called “AT-LOCHAU-PS-M9_soil profile.pdf”

Are further connections planned for the bus station besides local public transport (regional buses, long-distance buses)?

Not planned at present, but certainly desirable.

Is it possible to reposition the ‚Old Ferry’?

It is possible to do so, but the cost implications will be very high.

What is the scope of the need for renovation of the "Old Ferry"? Do climatic, static or functional concerns have to be taken into account?

Please see the assessment report of the old ferry dated 20 November 2022. The file is uploaded and named AT-LOCHAU-PS-M8_assessment Ferry_DE.pdf. The document is only available in German. Please translate it with a translation program.

Is there more documentation about the participatory process and the various ideas from the inhabitants of Lochau? What was the list of ideas besides the ones mentioned in the brief?

All the wishes/ideas, from surveys, dialogues and workshops which have been taken place over the last couple of years, have informed the brief and are summarised there.

Is there an analysis of the condition of the 'Old Ferry'?

Please see the assessment report of the old ferry dated 20 November 2022. The file is uploaded and named AT-LOCHAU-PS-M8_assessment Ferry_DE.pdf. The document is only available in German. Please translate it with a translation program.

Are the functions in the harbor building to be maintained/included in the program for the yacht club?

The activities of the harbor master, the active club life of the yacht club and the sailing school could complement each other well. Efficient use and synergies of space is sought wherever practicable.


Is there a new parking space provided for the boats, if they are not allowed to stay at the current position in winter?

Yes, the corresponding land for parking the boats in winter can be considered outside the reflection site and doesn't need to concern you.

Is it possible to include the plot at the intersection Bahnhofstr./Lindauerstr. (property no. 95) in the planning? Are there any special requirements for this plot, e.g. field monuments?

The property number 95, the plot of land between Lindauerstraße and Bahnhofstraße, is private land. A proposal can of course be made, especially if it contributes to your overall concept. However, as property number 95 is on the Reflection Site, it will be discussed in the context of a longer-term Master Plan. At the moment the owners do not want any changes.

Are there any plans by the municipality for development at Seehotel Kaiserstrand?

The hotel was taken over by an investor from Vorarlberg, who renovated the building and will reopen it in July. The municipality is in contact with the owner to negotiate, for example, the opening of the garden and bathhouse to the public, not just the hotel guests. If these negotiations are successful, the wishes of the municipality will be implemented.

Does the municipality have a right of way along the Oberlochauerbach through the Seehotel Kaiserstrand’s property?

Yes, the right of way is guaranteed.

Is the "Old Ferry" or the project site polluted (e.g. though corrosion)?

Please see the assessment report of the old ferry dated 20 November 2022. The file is uploaded and named AT-LOCHAU-PS-M8_assessment Ferry_DE.pdf. The document is only available in German. Please translate it with a translation program.

How many parking spaces are needed at the station?

The car park that is actually dedicated to the station needs to stay (see also AT-LOCHAU-SS-M2.pdf). The parking space next to the Hebewerk, which is located directly after the pedestrian underpass, doesn't need to be kept as a parking space. It can be used differently.

Hi, in the brief it is mentioned in page 33 that a project is underway redesigning the forecourt of the Station and the bus terminal. Could we get some information about ? Thanks

The brief refers to the project which is shown in the plan called AT-LOCHAU-SS-M2.pdf, to be found in the complete site file.

Hi, in the visit it is mentioned that cows get to the green patches inside Lochau to be fed. In case that we understood well, how usual is that and how do they get acess to these spaces ? Can we have more information about it ? Thanks

Cows usually graze around the barn and stay at the farm. There are no cows crossing the streets.

Can you give us more information on the local flora and fauna of Lochau, in addition to the info in the brief? What are local bird species, insects, greenery…?

Please see additional uploads: the files are called AT-LOCHAU-SS-M3a-c. Parts of the uploaded documents are only available in German. Please translate it with a translation program. Please also refer, as mentioned already in other answers to this website: https://naturvielfalt.at/schutzgebiet/leiblach/

Who will run the Gastronomy part, and who will run the Sailing school, are these two separate entities?

There are three different operators: the restaurant, the sailing school and the yacht club. The sailing school and the yacht club share the same premises (see brief on page 49).
As the Old Ferry is owned by the municipality, the restaurant is rented from the municipality.


Is there a local initiative or community that deals with issues of protected species? How many visitors and nature lovers come here yearly for this reason?

The local initiative is called: Naturschutzverein Rheindelta. They take care of concerns in the European protection areas around Lake Constance on behalf of the state. The info is available at https://naturvielfalt.at/schutzgebiet/leiblach/
It is not possible to give figures on the number of visitors, as the area is easily explored by anyone who is interested. However, the initiative organises various guided tours throughout the year.

Are there any specific local cultural organizations, and how much the city itself is focused on social events, is there a specfic local cultural event, festival or similar...

In the planning area there is the Festival of the Friends of Nature, the Funken, the summer cinema, many barbecues, birthday parties (children and adults), weddings (Old Ferry), ... but above all: bathers (from all walks of life).

This is the link to the calendar of events:

Can you give us more information on the Lake Constance Euro-cycle path that runs next to the location?

Please refer to pages 31 + 34 in the brief, for the information provided to us.

Can you give us more info/material on the Leiblach Natura 2000 protected area?

Please see the information provided in the complete site folder. The document is called "AT-LOCHAU-SS-M3-Natura2000.pdf", which is a summary of the links below. These websites are in German, but some of the documents to be downloaded are in English. Please use a translation program to translate. 

Natura 200


What is the current use of the higher building next to the station? Are there any concepts by the municipality?

The current use is gastronomy and residential. The building is privately owned.

Are there any concepts by the municipality for further use of the industrial area between the railroad and B190?

No, not yet. This is one of the tasks asked for in the brief. The municipality is looking for interesting proposals.

Le site est lié au thème suivant

Réinventer l'espace public comme paysage de biodiversité

Imaginer l'espace public comme un paysage biodiversifié. Imaginer l'espace public comme un sol, comme la preuve que YES, WE CAN – à travers le design – relever les défis posés par la crise due au changement climatique, en termes de questions sociales et environnementales. Imaginer l'espace public comme un agent d'inclusion des différences, à la fois en termes d'humains et de non-humains, et comme un médiateur entre les nouvelles interdépendances. Imaginer les sols, les plans d'eau, les rivages et les corridors écologiques comme les acteurs principaux pour guider des processus de transformation complexes.
Sur les sites suivants, l'espace public est le lieu où se développe le thème des Villes vivantes.

Documents spécifiques

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