From Trondheim, with love
Guillaume Jounet (FR)
Remy Bardin (FR)
Leo Thafelin (SE)
art historian
Europan 10 Trondheim
What if art galleries could spread worldwide like postcards? Could the planet become a museum with 1001 scattered rooms?
Instead of expecting the whole world to come visit, Trondheim has decided to travel by exporting its genuine art and culture. City-branding strategies are used to spread local know-how out to unexpected areas. Trondheim is almost ubiquitous and still mysterious enough to stimulate curiosity.
By triggering localised revitalization with significant interventions on existing facilities, Svartlamoen naturally becomes an “art farm”, a place to grow art! Sitting between a harbour and railways, the area is ready to disseminate its reinforced identity.
From local to global, from enclosure to radiation, the Norwegian city of knowledge and science can legitimately claim to be a cultural hotspot without sacrificing its heritage.
This project is connected to the following themes
Mobility - Social Fields
The project highlights the role of mobility in a globalised world, staging Trondheim as the starting point of containers that are transformed into art galleries and shipped overseas, thereby interpreting the whole world as a single connected museum.